Disclaimer; This tutorial is for self awareness for you to know how hackers hack your Facebook and this is for educational purposes only , Techflow is not responsible for any harm it may cause thereof. Read our Privacy policies, terms and Conditions and Disclaimer to know more
What is Nethunter ?
NetHunter is a mobile penetration testing platform built on the Android operating system.
Nethunter is developed by Offensive Security, it provides security professionals and enthusiasts with a suite of tools and utilities for testing, assessing, and securing networks and devices.
With NetHunter, it users can perform various security assessments, including wireless attacks, vulnerability scanning, and exploitation, directly from their Android device.
I have written a tutorial on how to install Nethunter and Kali Linus Android phone.
How install Kali linux on Android
So after the installation of nethunter you have to install you have to install social engineering tools shortened as setool kits
Follow this tutorial to install social engineering setoolkits in your Nethunter
After the installation let’s go ahead and learn how hackers Facebook using nethunter and Kali linux.
Illustration of how to hack Facebook using nethunter.
- Android Phone
- Charge battery with free space and memory
- Install Nethunter
- install Setoolkits or Social engineering setoolkits
- Start Setoolkits
- Go for the Attack
1.Open your termux and navigate to your terminal then type nh kex&
After typing this you will typically see the image below.
After you have type the above command your interface will look like this
Now after you have must seen this interface open your vnc server then click on it then click on terminal, After clicking on the terminal you have to type setoolkits with privileges
sudo setoolkits
Then your interface would be like one above
Thus when it opens select 1, when you select 1 select the type of attack you want .
This is just a tutorial to show you how Facebook is been hacked.
if you really want to learn hacking or related comment below we will reach out or write a guide on to successfully hacked Facebook.