Disable Phantom Process Killer in Android 12 & 13 and fix TERMUX Errors. Android 12 or 13 will kill any phantom processes greater than 32 (the limit is for all apps combined) and also kill any processes using excessive CPU. You may get the Process completed signal 9 press Enter message in the terminal without actually exiting the shell process yourself. TERMUX is a well-known app suffering from this background limitation.
After going through the process of installing termux on your Android and you may want to install Kali Linux or Nethunter in your Android without root then you may experience termux terminated , process completed signal 9.
Assuming you are running a program on your vnc and the program got terminated that would be a bad end to your program therefore to fix this , you will be able to disable the phantom process that was added to android 12 and above to kill heavy apps running in the background.
If you are on this page and you want to fix the Termux terminated error how to fix termux error process completed signal 9 then this post is for you .
Illustration of how to disable Phantom process and fix termux crash error process completed signal 9
Step one.
Go toAdbsand click on Download SDK Platform-Tools for Windows or you can download your operating system as it is listed there.
Now After downloading unzip it then add it to your system path by copying the path.
On your windows type env in the search menu then locate edit environment for your envitonment variables , not the up one but the one that has system variables then click on path then click on edit then add the path of the adbs you downloaded to there and click ok.
Now plug in your phone then turn on Debug mode on your phone.
Your path could be like this
Illustartion of how to turn on debug mode on android
On your android go to settings then click on about phone then locate the build number then click on the build number number several times then it will tell you take you are now a developer .
After this navigate to system in the settings then click on developer then enable usb debugging . Just turn it on you are done .
Now after you have turn usb debugging on you will recieve a notification telling you to allow usb debugging , sellect allow then move on to ‘your command prompt and run the following codes.
On your command line typeadb devices
this will show you list of devices connected on your computer.
Then its time to run the code , the codes below is to be run one after the other so that you will be able to run termux for a long time.
adb devices
Disable Phantom Processes
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent”
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647”
adb shell settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false
Note: The third command may show some error after executing on an android device running the custom Skin like MIUI, ONE UI etc. Don’t worry its normal.
Check If Phantom Process is
disabled <strong>or</strong> <strong>not</strong>
adb shell "/system/bin/dumpsys activity settings | grep max_phantom_processes”
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config get activity_manager max_phantom_processes”
After you run the adb devices then enter the first command
how to solve vs code not opening
First command
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config set_sync_disabled_for_tests persistent”
Second command
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config put activity_manager max_phantom_processes 2147483647”
Third Command
adb shell settings put global settings_enable_monitor_phantom_procs false
Note the Third Command might show some errorrs as i have explained above
Now it is time to check it worked actually.
Run this code one after the other
adb shell "/system/bin/dumpsys activity settings | grep max_phantom_processes”
adb shell "/system/bin/device_config get activity_manager max_phantom_processes”
Now you are good to go , exit termux then restart again then start your nethunter by running nh kex & .
Enjoy hacking , Leave us a comment below;