To commit project on GitHub using Termux and Android, follow these steps my simple steps:
Steps on how to commit or push project to GitHub using android and termux
1. Install Termux.
2. Install Git in Termux (pkg install git).
3. Configure Git username and email.
4. Navigate to the project directory (cd ~/myproject).
5. Initialize a Git repository (git init).
6. Stage changes (git add .).
7. Commit changes (git commit -m “Your commit message here”).
8. Create a GitHub repository.
9. Set remote repository URL (git remote add origin<username>/<repository>.git).
10. Push to GitHub (git push -u origin main).
step1. Install Termux:
If you haven’t already, install the Termux app from herehow to install termux .
step2. Set up Git:
Open Termux and run the following command to install Git if it’s not already installed:
pkg install git
step3. Configure Git:
-Set your Git username and email by running these commands (replace “Your Name” and “[email protected]” with your actual information):
git config --<strong>global</strong> "Your Name"
git config --<strong>global</strong> "[email protected]"
step4. Navigate to your project directory:
– Use the cd command to change to the directory where your project is located. For example:
cd ~/myproject
step5. Initialize a Git repository:
– If your project is not yet a Git repository, initialize one by running:
git init
stel6. Stage your changes:
– Add the files you want to commit to the staging area using the gitadd . command. For example, to stage all files, you can use:
git add .
step7. Commit your changes:
– Commit the staged changes with a meaningful commit message:
git <strong>commit</strong> -m "Your commit message here"
step8. Create a GitHub repository:
If you haven’t already, create a new repository on GitHub’s website.
step9. Set the remote repository URL:
– Add the remote URL of your GitHub repository as follows (replace <username> with your GitHub username and <repository> with the repository name):
git remote <strong>add</strong> origin<username>/<repository>.git
step10. Push your code to GitHub:
– Push your local repository to GitHub using the following command:
git push -u origin main
This command assumes you’re pushing to the “main” branch. If your branch has a different name, replace “main” with the appropriate branch name.
step11. Authenticate with GitHub:
If prompted, enter your GitHub username and password/token to authenticate the push.
Remember password is not really your password but the password set under devloper settings or token which is used for pushing and authentication